Tinman Pro OTF

We wanted to design a humanist sans serif typeface that specifically used the Venetian or humanist style forms. There are many new sans serif typefaces, but few are based in the true humanist or Venetian forms of Nicolas Jenson, et al. Instead they come out of the later oldstyle or Garald forms of Francisco Griffo and Claude Garamond.
     Using Nicolas Jenson's typeface of 1470 — the prime example of a humanist typeface — as a model was difficult due to the small x-height and the calligraphic foundation of the face. we finally decided to use the University of California face designed by F. W. Goudy. This is a Venetian humanist style face with more modern attributes and less calligraphic feel to it (despite the fact that Goudy calls it oldstyle).
     The resulting sans serif face is aesthetically appealing and has a better visual flow from character to character due to it's basis in calligraphic form, though it never tries to look calligraphic.

TinmanPro is available from MyFonts.com.


Download the type specimen:

Type Specimen